Vertically Integrated Services


Veranda Holdings works with its investors to determine appropriate investment profile based on their investing needs. Once the Letter of Intent is signed and the investment profile is determined, we engage with the brokerage community to pursue both on and off market real estate opportunities where each opportunity is vetted with industry-leading standards of evaluation and diligence. For every transaction we recommend to our investors, and source on their behalf, low levered positions to maximize returns. The real work comes from the rigorous underwriting that is the culmination of a long due diligence process. Throughout the acquisition process, we maintain an ongoing dialogue with our investors and we work together to achieve optimal investing decisions.

Asset Management

As soon as the investment is acquired, Veranda Holdings enacts an asset management strategy, tailored to the asset, as it seeks to reposition the asset within the marketplace over the hold period. Our asset management strategies are designed to cultivate market value so ownership can increase its return on investment. For every investment we recommend capital re-investment plan to improve the property’s competitiveness in the market. As your local property managers, we handle the maintenance activities related to the property’s day-to-day operations and physical upkeep. We pay bills, collect rents and make distributions to our investors in timely manner.

Strategy & Financial Planning

Through us, investors from India are able to tap into a team with of industry professionals with sophisticated financial skills and deep industry experience across the state. Our mandate includes monitoring and analysis of investments and providing sharp oversight on all every dollar earned and spent at our operating properties. We continually evaluate the impact of asset-level strategy on returns to help clients make informed and effective investment decisions for each investment.